The technology sector has relentless innovation cycles keeping attempting to keep competitors from constantly catching up. These involve building innovative patents and making them available for commercial exploitation. We provide comprehensive solutions to building innovative product launch strategy along with IP strategy.  A few concepts and patents available for ready use are listed below.


Collapsible Mobile Phone Holder

Indisputably, the mobile phones are now a way of life. However, while using a mobile phone for activities, such as texting and browsing, a user usually experiences chronic strain in his/her neck muscles. A study conducted in the year 2014, by Surgical Technology International, found that while performing activities such as texting on a mobile phone can add up to 50 pounds of pressure on a human spine, depending on the angle at which the person using the mobile phone. Today almost 45% of young people suffer from back pain as their spinal disks . There are many medical problems associated with prolonged mobile phone usage, such as occipital neuralgia – a neurological condition where the nerves that run from the top of the spinal cord up through the scalp become compressed or inflamed.

This patent is for a motorized collapsible or expandable mobile phone holder which can be mounted on the shoulder or chest of a user to help overcome the problems associated with prolonged phone usage and thereby reducing and mitigating the user’s neck and spine health problems and walking accidents caused by mobile phone usage.

Behavior Controlling System for Wireless Devices BCS (WD)

Wireless devices have now become ubiquitous , they are also now a new source for brain overload , anxiety and depression . Digital health has now become a key concern and not one day goes by without someone writing an article on this subject , interruptions from unwanted apps , phone calls , SMS’s and messaging are pulling down our concentration levels . Even when try to focus on work our addiction to social media and entertainment drives towards social media. Marketeer’s have deliberately created enticing novelty which makes one to crave for excitement and sub consciously pull us towards social media applications . There are many ways by which individuals are impacted by digital use (though not conclusively proven) such as digital addiction , digital dependence , digital overuse along with other depressive symptoms such social anxiety , impulsivity , sensation seeking etc.

These are now impacting our society as whole , while other forms of addiction like alcohol consumption are controlled by religion , societal norms , law , and accessibility , there is no way to control digital addiction. Self-control often does not work , the only one option is to throw the device away and that is not possible , hence the need to have a system that allows the of digital wireless devices in moderation.

UCS (WD) is a system that helps us to maintain a good digital health in way that one could use the digital device in moderation by controlling the access to the different applications .The software is built by renowned psychologists that lets you moderate your digital usage and not just block it out the whole phone . This helps in creating a peaceful environment which leads to improved concentration levels and helps you work faster.


Home Sanitizing Apparatus

Considering the COVID 19 epidemic there is a need to quickly sanitise various household items as soon as you enter your homes from outside ; these include phones , keys , wallets , grocery bags , various cardboard packaged items etc . This is not only physically straining but there is that chance you might miss out on something and put yourself to unnecessary risk .A Daily use sanitising apparatus , that sanitizes different day to day use household items based on item category type. It has rack trays and containers to suit the different item categories types .xist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.

Self Sanitizing Door

According to the CDC, “ one way to prevent others from getting infected is by cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily. These include tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, and sinks. “   of all these the rate of touch from different individuals is highest for door , door handles and doorknob. Hence there is a need to automatically sanitise the exposed part of the door first which will have a significant impact on the virus/microorganism’s transmissions between individuals.

System for Cold Calling

An Innovate sales CRM patent suited for cold calling and significantly improves customer call calling process.