With years of experience in innovative thinking and concept execution, we have successfully completed numerous projects across various industries, including IT software, IT hardware and robotics, logistics, and climate tech. Our expertise encompasses innovation conceptualization, creating pre-launch templates, building IP protection, and conducting concept validation surveys.

Here are some of the projects we have executed:

Multi-Productivity Device

Since the advent of email over two decades ago, people have been expected to be available 24/7. The highly competitive nature of today’s economy pressures individuals to increase their productivity constantly. Although we now have many productivity-enhancing smartphone apps, interruptions from unwanted apps, phone calls, SMS, and messages can diminish our focus.

Furthermore, it’s often impractical to record all our thoughts on a phone app alone. Some ideas are recorded on a PC, some on paper, and some are lost due to a lack of immediate recording tools or sheer laziness. This is why, despite all technological advancements, people still carry paper diaries to meetings and turn off their phones during important conversations.


Automated Drop Box

Returns are a significant concern for the eCommerce and retail industries. About 20% of eCommerce transactions are returned, rising to 40% during holidays, while retail returns account for around 10% of sales. The logistical costs associated with these returns amount to billions of dollars. This innovation introduces Automated Drop Boxes (ADB) to streamline returns for eCommerce, retail stores, and visa applications.

Currently, many non-automated drop boxes are underutilized. The ADB addresses several issues: arranging returns usually requires precise pickup times, leading to stress and complications with any changes. Remote locations make returns costly for eCommerce companies, but deploying ADBs can mitigate this.

Shopping malls require returns at fixed times and locations, adding to operational costs and straining staff. In retail chains, customers might need to return items purchased in different cities or provide safe mechanisms for returning expensive items like jewelry.

Courier companies, typically operating during business hours, could benefit from ADBs. They lack the flexibility for after-hours drop-offs, and operating 24/7 stores is costly. Offline courier boxes require manual signatures and credit card details, risking misuse and illegal goods.

In summary, the ADB offers a versatile solution for simplifying and securing the returns process across various industries, reducing logistical costs, and enhancing user convenience.


Document Verification System

Travel documents and governmental process documents need a number of cross validation of information. The information furnished by the user in the application form needs to be cross validated vis-à-vis the information available in the supporting documents. An apparatus verification system accepts user scanned documents and then run through a process of information cross-validation and document fraud detection. 

Collapsible Mobile Phone Holder

Mobile phones have become an integral part of modern life. However, using a mobile phone for activities such as texting and browsing often leads to chronic strain in the neck muscles. A 2014 study by Surgical Technology International found that texting on a mobile phone can add up to 50 pounds of pressure on the spine, depending on the user’s posture. Today, nearly 45% of young people suffer from back pain due to issues with their spinal disks. Prolonged mobile phone usage can lead to several medical problems, including occipital neuralgia—a neurological condition where the nerves running from the top of the spinal cord through the scalp become compressed or inflamed.

We introduce a motorized, collapsible, or expandable mobile phone holder designed to be mounted on the user’s shoulder or chest. This innovative device aims to alleviate the problems associated with prolonged phone usage by reducing strain on the neck and spine. Additionally, it helps prevent walking accidents caused by distracted mobile phone use, thereby enhancing the user’s overall health and safety.